#dbd faceclaim
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airbendertendou · 2 years ago
legion + ghostface faceclaims / fancast <3
NOTE : this is not me demonizing anyone or trying to show dislike towards anyone. this is simply who i imagine under the mask ; that can and does change constantly. but this is who i see right now. you do not have to agree w these, but please don't be rude.
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cinderellaheist · 5 months ago
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Arón Piper
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breakcut · 6 months ago
No one:
Me: Makes an edit of Shen Yue to where it almost looks like my fave Min outfit
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premxnitionn · 2 years ago
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headmates-for-you · 2 months ago
hiii again!! sorry for like. 3 or 4 requests in the past 2 weeks 😓 we just really really like your packs
but when you get the chance could we perchance get a sable and susie from dbd
susie with a lot of cat neos too please
thank youuu <3
(also if this message sent before i’m so sorry, tumblr glitched right after i pressed ask and idk if it went through or not so im sending it again just in case 🤞)
not a problem, you're welcome to request as much as you'd like, glad to hear you enjoy them -🪓
CW: drawn knife
Name(s): Susie
Age(s): 17-20 agefluid
Pronouns: she/her, sh3/h3r, mew/mews, meow/meows, paw/paws, purr/purrs, claw/claws, fang/fangs, whis/whisker, kit/kits, kitten/kittens, tail/tails, cat/cats, nya/nyas, miau/miaus, neko/nekos, nip/nipself, nap/naps, yarn/yarnself, hiss/hisses, nom/nyom, fel/feline, fur/furs, sun/suns, 🐾/🐾’s
Gender(s): kittygirl, melancatly, catcomfic, catgender
Orientation(s): panromantic demisexual, linksexual
TransID(s): transkiller, transcriminal, transmindcontrolled, transsacrificiallamb
CisID(s): tan skin, blue eyes, dyed hair, braces, kemonomimi (catgirl - wears ears and sometimes tail around in day to day life)
Source(s): Dead By Daylight
Paras: autozoophilia, serviphilia, hybristophilia
Emoji signoff: 🐈‍⬛ or 🐱🖤 
Positive trigger(s): graffiti, cat cafes
Role(s): fictive, impulse holder, online alter
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Name(s): Sable
Age(s): 19-24 ageslider
Pronouns: she/her, they/them, fae/faer, heart/hearts, web/webs, hex/hexself, hx/hxm, ni/night
Gender(s): deathcute, vampgender
Orientation(s): shiftromantic feasexual
TransID(s): transhunted, transtrapped, transsacrafice, transfaith (wiccan)
CisID(s): pale skin, grey eyes, dyed hair, goth
Source(s): Dead By Daylight
Paras: teratophilia, hybristophilia, oplophilia, nyctophilia
Emoji signoff: 🕸 or ⛓
Positive trigger(s): Addams Family, witchcraft, Supernatural
Other: kins Morticia Addams
Role(s): fictive, spirituality holder, pain suppressor 
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deathb1ooms · 3 months ago
harleen f quinzel, better known as harley quinn is originally from detective comics but she has been reworked and fashioned into my own little horror oc icon.
harley was an extremely smart and capable young woman who’s mind simply would not shut up. she would think and think and think , constantly having new and exciting theories about the people in her life , the people on the news , and people in general. this theory led to her college thesis , ‘ there are only two circumstances in which a person would completely disregard the rules of society ; when committing a crime , and when in love ‘. in an attempt to prove her theory , an incident occurred in which her long term boyfriend was killed. it is unknown whether she killed him or he killed himself. this entire situation fueled her thoughts and proved , to herself if no one else , that she was right.
throughout college , harley had become obsessed with the joker. she would comb over any interview given that was about him , watch his videos over and over again , and spend days imagining what he would say if she ever was about to speak with him. it was her number one career goal.
after graduating university and getting her PHD , harley’s first stop was arkham asylum. she knew that they were lousy with keeping doctors on staff , and that meant she could possibly get in good with them enough to grant her access to the clown. nearly six months after being hired on at the asylum , her dreams came true and she was allowed to meet with the joker. the first few sessions were uneventful , the joker refusing to speak to her or sometimes even acknowledge her. after a while , though , he started to warm up to her. it wasn’t long before the two had started having an affair. less than a month later , harley helped the joker escape arkham asylum.
her license was revoked and once she left the hearing that decided her fate , harley transformed from quiet and brunette trained therapist to blonde bombshell harlequin.
short and sweet verses :
alternate verse 1 , mad love. harley and joker are in a severely toxic relationship and neither are sad about it. harley knows what she’s gotten herself into and she’s okay with it. she is a member of the gotham rogue’s gallery and the gotham city sirens. she is forever the joker’s right hand woman and nobody can tell her a single thing about it. shipping unavailable to any muse that isn’t the joker. faceclaim for this verse is samara weaving.
alternate verse 2 , nolan / TBM verse. the two are similar enough to be grouped in together. gotham is darker than ever and the young psychologist is just now learning her place in the world. in this verse , she has not met the joker yet ( nolan she is still obsessed but tbm has not introduced him yet ). shipping is available in this verse and my faceclaim is samara weaving
main dc verse , suicide squad , after being locked away in arkham asylum for more than a year and realizing that the joker had abandoned her , harley decided that they were broken up. she had had enough. he was the reason she was there , ten times over , and he’d done enough to ruin her life. it’s time to take it back. amanda waller offered a position on a task force , and there was no good reason not to take it. harley would never be a good guy , even anti hero was pushing it , but she could do something that was all her own.
main horror verse , dbd and other slasher settings , a disgraced psychologist ends up being locked in with her past patients after having what results in a psychotic break. after a year of incarceration, harley decided to break free from her chains to wreak some havoc.
so much more to be added when it comes up
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styxisms · 7 months ago
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Muse Name: Miles Upshur
Age: 30
Race: human
Faceclaim: Cillian Murphy
Personality: tba
Positive Traits: tba
Negative traits: tba
Skills: tba
Likes: tba
Dislikes: tba
Summary: tba
Relationship: single
Family: His cat.
Biography: Miles had always had passion. From the first time he ever watched a documentary, he knew he wanted to deal in truths. He wanted to be a journalist. He wanted to do something important and show the people the truth no matter how difficult or ugly it was.
This passion carried him through school and into work. He worked his way up to a nice job with a major news outlet. He spent much of his time covering wars and dangerous events. He quickly got a reputation as someone who was fearless and was willing to take risks.
Sadly, when dealing with things like war, the truth can be ugly... and controversial. He uncovered a story that would put a negative light on the government and several prominent companies. He was told to let it go and not report on it. But he stayed through to his convictions and published the story independently online. This lead to him being fired from his job and people were reluctant to hire him. He went fully freelance and sold his stories to whoever would take them.
So with this, his reputation changed. Miles was fearless, willing to take risks, and he was stupid. He also didn't answer well to authority. But if you wanted something to be reported on, especially something that would never be on mainstream media, he was the person to go to. Which is what led him to Mount Massive Asylum.
Verses tba: main, post, dbd, Bioshock.
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roleplayfinder · 8 months ago
🦋— hey there! i’m a 25+ female who is looking for a dbd (dead by daylight) character inspired rp. i am looking for a m/f plot and to play the role of the f in the style of sable ward against a vittorio toscano. i have very few limits and triggers but do have a busy rl. i am para and hc friendly. love to chat. am happy to use their “photos” as faceclaims and would love to make moodboards and such. discord only!
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citysank · 2 years ago
Karter Kane Younger / DBD verse
Alex Pettyfer ----> Cody Christian
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ultimateescape · 2 years ago
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the film which you are about to see is an account of the tragedy …
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#ULTIMATEESCAPE. independent  &.  selective  JULIE CRAWFORD  of  THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE video game.  headcanon  based with influences from the games &. movies.  canon  divergent  ,  low  activity  &.  mutuals  only.  oc  ,  canon  &.  multi  —  muse  friendly.  massacred  by  fey.
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… of one of the most bizarre crimes in the annals of american history
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001. hi ! i’m fey , i’m 24 , white , my pronouns are she / they / fae , &. i’m an ace lesbian ! you can follow me on pinterest at feywildling , &. ask for my discord if we’re mutuals. i am pagan , norse specifically , &. there will be more about this in the next section. i have no personal triggers that need to be tagged , but if you do i will make sure to tag them ( &. common triggers ) as “trigger //” &. “trigger tw” so you can block them.
002. i’m under no obligation to follow everyone back. if i do follow you , i want to write with you , just give me time. i do up to three mains or one exclusive of a character or faceclaim. do not follow if you’re under eighteen , are bigoted in any way , ship incest , adults / minors , or any other gross behavior. i also won’t write with muses of mythology based gods because i am pagan , but fandom ( pjato , american gods , marvel , etc. ) is fine. i unfollow for inactivity , but message me or pop up in my notifications &. i’ll follow back. please do not follow me if you interact with valentine / laurel @.exorkizein.
i’m a fan of shipping , plain &. simple. whether it be romantic , familial , platonic , whatever , i want those bonds. i’m also a fan of testing out things because i see potential for them , so please don’t be afraid to approach me about a ship. if you ship it , i probably do too.
if i follow you , i want to write with you. i am definitely a slow rper &. life doesn’t always allow me to get to threads or messages so please just be patient. using memes , writing starters , or plotting are all excellent ways of starting interactions. if we plot &. can develop things outside of directly writing , i will be more invested in our relationships.
my psd is ahch to by kingsleigh. i do not use icons or banners. all writing , personal headcanon , &. original edits belong to me.
i don’t own julie crawford , the texas chainsaw series , or felicity jones. i do own content made for this blog , so again , don’t steal.
there is very little information regarding the victims of the tcm game , everything is made up by me &. friends. consider julie an original character for the most part !
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** = affiliate / * = exclusive / ♡ = ship exclusive
URL. character. fandom.
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* this is a sparknotes version as there is one single paragraph of canon
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YOUTH. set during julie's life in california before heading off to college in texas.
COLLEGE. set during julie's college years , studying environmental law.
MASSACRE. set during the events of the game.
SURVIVAL. set after the events of the game.
V : TM. during the events of the massacre , julie is left in a position of near death. someone unknown finds her &. turns her into something else. a gangrel , adapted to city oriented unlife , condemned to the world of darkness permanently.
DEMIGOD. a daughter of iris , julie is unaware that the mother she grew up with is not her biological mother until monsters come calling for demigod blood.
HDM. julie &. her dæmon louie , a white nosed coati.
D &. D. a gloom stalker wood elf ranger.
DBD. during the events of the massacre , julie &. the others enter a fog when they try to escape , only to find themselves trapped again &. again. &. death is not an escape.
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traptised · 3 years ago
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breakcut · 7 months ago
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On today’s episode of Atti is obsessed with their face claims; Lupita Nyong’o for Claudette HAS to be one of my faves🥰
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flowercrownd · 4 years ago
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   carrie white tags !
◜carrie: inbox / replies.◞ ◜carrie: behavior.◞ ◜carrie : headcanon.◞ ◜carrie: in character.◞ ◜carrie: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜carrie: isms.◞ ◜carrie: playlist.◞ ◜carrie: aesthetics.◞   ◜carrie: desires / shipping.◞   ◜carrie: attire.◞ ◜carrie: abilities / skills.◞
◜carrie / v. main.◞  🇮​🇷​🇴​🇳​ 🇮​🇳​ 🇭​🇪​🇷​ 🇲​🇴​🇺​🇹​🇭​ ; 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇹​🇦​🇸​🇹​🇪​ 🇴​🇫​ 🇭​🇪​🇷​ 🇨​🇷​🇴​🇼​🇳​﹐🇴​🇷​ 🇧​🇱​🇴​🇴​🇩​ ﹖ ◜carrie / v. dbd : killer.◞  🇫​🇦​🇨​🇪​🇸​ 🇨​🇭​🇦​🇳​🇬​🇪​﹐ 🇧​🇺​🇹​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇬​🇦​🇲​🇪​ 🇸​🇹​🇦​🇾​🇸​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇸​🇦​🇲​🇪​. ◜carrie / v. dbd : survivor.◞  … 🇧​🇺​🇹​ 🇫​🇮​🇷​🇸​🇹​﹐🇹​🇭​🇪​🇾​ 🇲​🇺​🇸​🇹​ 🇨​🇦​🇹​🇨​🇭​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​. ◜carrie / v. outlast.◞  🇹​🇭​🇪​🇮​🇷​ 🇧​🇴​🇩​🇮​🇪​🇸​ 🇭​🇪​🇦​🇷​ 🇼​🇭​🇦​🇹​ 🇭​🇪​🇷​ 🇲​🇮​🇳​🇩​ 🇸​🇦​🇾​🇸​ ; 🇼​🇦​🇹​🇨​🇭​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​🇲​ 🇬​🇴​ 🇳​🇺​🇲​🇧​. ◜carrie / v. runaway.◞  🇾​🇴​🇺​ 🇬​🇴​🇳​🇳​🇦​ 🇦​🇩​🇩​ 🇲​🇴​🇷​🇪​ 🇧​🇴​🇩​🇮​🇪​🇸​ 🇹​🇴​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇵​🇮​🇱​🇪​ ﹠ 🇲​🇦​🇰​🇪​ 🇮​🇹​ 🇴​🇺​🇹​ 🇦​🇱​🇮​🇻​🇪​ ﹖ ◜carrie / v. mentor.◞ 🇨​🇴​🇳​🇶​🇺​🇪​🇷​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇫​🇱​🇪​🇽​🇮​🇳​🇬​ 🇮​🇳​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​🇷​ 🇲​🇮​🇳​🇩​ ; 🇾​🇴​🇺​ 🇹​🇴​🇴​ 🇨​🇦​🇳​ 🇲​🇦​🇰​🇪​ 🇲​🇮​🇷​🇦​🇨​🇱​🇪​🇸​. ◜carrie / v. convict.◞  🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇲​🇮​🇳​🇩​ 🇮​🇸​ 🇲​🇮​🇬​🇭​🇹​🇮​🇪​🇷​ 🇹​🇭​🇦​🇳​ 🇲​🇪​🇹​🇦​🇱​ 🇧​🇦​🇷​🇸​ ﹠ 🇵​🇦​🇩​🇩​🇪​🇩​ 🇼​🇦​🇱​🇱​🇸​.
#♡ ◜ooc.◞#◜carrie: abilities / skills.◞#◜carrie: attire.◞#◜carrie: desires / shipping.◞#◜carrie: aesthetics.◞#◜carrie: playlist.◞#◜carrie: isms.◞#◜carrie: mirror / faceclaim.◞#◜carrie: in character.◞#◜carrie : headcanon.◞#◜carrie: behavior.◞#◜carrie: inbox / replies.◞#◜carrie / v. main.◞  🇮🇷🇴🇳 🇮🇳 🇭🇪🇷 🇲🇴🇺🇹🇭 ; 🇹🇭🇪 🇹🇦🇸🇹🇪 🇴🇫 🇭🇪🇷 🇨🇷🇴🇼🇳﹐🇴🇷 🇧🇱🇴🇴🇩 ﹖#◜carrie / v. dbd : killer.◞  🇫🇦🇨🇪🇸 🇨🇭🇦🇳🇬🇪﹐ 🇧🇺🇹 🇹🇭🇪 🇬🇦🇲🇪 🇸🇹🇦🇾🇸 🇹🇭🇪 🇸🇦🇲🇪.#◜carrie / v. dbd : survivor.◞  … 🇧🇺🇹 🇫🇮🇷🇸🇹﹐🇹🇭🇪🇾 🇲🇺🇸🇹 🇨🇦🇹🇨🇭 🇾🇴🇺.#◜carrie / v. outlast.◞  🇹🇭🇪🇮🇷 🇧🇴🇩🇮🇪🇸 🇭🇪🇦🇷 🇼🇭🇦🇹 🇭🇪🇷 🇲🇮🇳🇩 🇸🇦🇾🇸 ; 🇼🇦🇹🇨🇭 🇹🇭🇪🇲 🇬🇴 🇳🇺🇲🇧.#◜carrie / v. runaway.◞  🇾🇴🇺 🇬🇴🇳🇳🇦 🇦🇩🇩 🇲🇴🇷🇪 🇧🇴🇩🇮🇪🇸 🇹🇴 🇹🇭🇪 🇵🇮🇱🇪 ﹠ 🇲🇦🇰🇪 🇮🇹 🇴🇺🇹 🇦🇱🇮🇻🇪 ﹖#◜carrie / v. mentor.◞ 🇨🇴🇳🇶🇺🇪🇷 🇹🇭🇪 🇫🇱🇪🇽🇮🇳🇬 🇮🇳 🇾🇴🇺🇷 🇲🇮🇳🇩 ; 🇾🇴🇺 🇹🇴🇴 🇨🇦🇳 🇲🇦🇰🇪 🇲🇮🇷🇦🇨🇱🇪🇸.#◜carrie / v. convict.◞  🇹🇭🇪 🇲🇮🇳🇩 🇮🇸 🇲🇮🇬🇭🇹🇮🇪🇷 🇹🇭🇦🇳 🇲🇪🇹🇦🇱 🇧🇦🇷🇸 ﹠ 🇵🇦🇩🇩🇪🇩 🇼🇦🇱🇱🇸.
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mistress-imagines · 6 years ago
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So this is 100% JUST my own personal headcanon face claims for the survivors of Dead by Daylight. I will probably not do killers, and if I do it’ll take forever :,) anyway, this was just for fun!!
Meg Thomas - Kristen Stewart | Dwight Fairfield - Dylan O'Biren | Jake Park - Bae Soo Bin Claudette Morel - Amber Riley | Nea Karlsson - Ruby Rose | David King - Jon Bernthal
Kate Denson - Brooke Eden | Bill Overbeck - Ted Danson | Feng Min - Coulee Nazha Adam Francis – Mhershala Ali | Ace Visctonti – Jon Turturro | Jeff Johanson – Robb Flynn
Jane Romero – Chiquis Rivera | David Tapp – Danny Glover | Quentin Smith – Kyle Gallner Laurie Strode – Jamie Lee Curtis | Ash Williams – Bruce Campbell
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smilestab · 6 years ago
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like for a small frank oneliner until i can actually muster myself to get to starters! (which i may try to in a bit.)
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lockersarefornerds · 6 years ago
I would die for you :^D
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“N-No please don’t die for me! You’ve got so much ahead of you in l-life!”
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